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Man life’s hard sometimes, you think you have got through the hardest part and your faced with another curve ball. I know because I have had one thrown at me to. Infact I am working it out right now. The thing is, it comes down to the people you trust, can rely on and love. Sometimes those people are not family, sometimes the people we most trust are people that we love. Who we love are the family we choose. Don’t beat yourself up if the people you love the most are not your blood family. That’s ok, it’s ok to be you.

Sometimes the right thing to do is what you think it is. Right now, I am taking a break for my own well-being. But sometimes we need to take time out to be the best we possibly can be, that’s not a bad thing at all. What matters is to be the best, not ok or good but great or the best we can be.

For me it’s time to deal with the issues that Pain has created, what’s happened to me and the road to recovery. The constant pain, creates dark places, some people may think me weak. Well that’s possibly true right now, for sure I need time to heal and I hope this will help other people one day. But how can that road be walked on until I have recovered from the problems caused by treatment. How can I stand and encourage other people if I have not walked many different paths. I see the issues I face right now as steps, you can’t look at the whole journey, it’s to much for the mind to handle and to much for the body.

Phycologists talk about elephants. They ask the question. “If you were to eat an elephant how would you do it”? Of course the answer is not all at once, but one piece at a time. It’s not possible to eat an elephant all at once and for sure will take a long time to eat which helps to lower expectations on how quickly you will heal. This coming from someone that gets frustrated at how long it takes to get served in KFC, that filter coffee is not instant and extensions take months to complete. I can’t stand waiting, yet the longer you wait the better the job will be. Cutting corners is not the way.

It’s like tyres on a car, the more they wear, the less efficient they become. We as people live in a ‘get it now’ society. We have credit cards, and new cars are easy to get. If of course you can afford the monthly payments.

Relationships with people take time, and if we don’t make time then we will never improve that relationship. People you love I guarantee you make time for, and the people you don’t understand I would hazard a guess you spend next to no time with that person at all. Yet time is the most important thing in life, and it’s something non of us know how much time we have. So it’s best to use what we have, not sit and wish things were different. How will they be if no effort is made. Someone said something to me last week. When I talked to the person about time, that they had been busy and surely rest would be order of the day. The response was ‘time is for filling’ how right that is. The time we do have we must use or lose it.

Time is like land, we can’t make any more of it. There is so much, and it’s up to us what we do with it.

What we do has an effect, be it immediately or in years to come. I don’t really want to go into what’s going on with me, but I do want to say that I am being kind to myself. I am making time for me to get well and overcome with tools that will help others in the future. As youngsters we called each other names and one we used to use as kids is tool! “What a tool”you have heard it said right. But have you any idea of how long it takes to make one. It’s actually a long process and the better the tool the longer it takes.

Time for you helps you to recharge and become a better you, it’s vital. We are all facing something, but the key is to make sure we help ourselves the best we can. That we are kind to ourselves so we can be a better us in the future. Beating ourselves up, is not a great use of time. But we do sometimes need time on the hills to reevaluate what’s important in life and who. Time for you makes you a better you.

So shortly me and the girls are off to see my parents at Brock bottom. A beautiful place, where my dogs can enjoy the water. Time is a healer, it’s necessary and for sure is an opportunity. Without time how can a relationship be nurtured. Nurture who’s special to you, don’t waste your time with people who speak badly of you or don’t give you time. The people that love you won’t make excuses not to see you, they will make reasons to see you. Be kind to yourself and others.



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