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First let me start by saying that, you have been awesome. You have followed my journey, supported me and loved me through the very hardest times in my life. I am so grateful to you.


Having a bit of a shake up in my life, in a time of blessing not cursing! We (family) were promised many years ago when I was 24 that

“the lord will restore the years the locusts have eaten. “


Believe me it’s been harder than hard to hold onto my faith whilst my body has been reconstructed, by chemo and the most horrible treatments known to man. My best friends on this planet have never left me like the shallower folk that said they were there for us but never showed us any action. Yet surely it is only God that makes good on his promises. Only God will never let us down. I can now tell you I have felt like Job. Like I have been tested over and over again always looking for positivity all of the time. Which I can tell you is draining in itself when your not leading your life walking next to him that knows more than we do.

It’s time to turn our backs on that which holds us back, including being fat, Negativity, and anything born of hate or discord.

My dogs are called Faith and Lily Hope. These names are not an accidents, hey they are God instances. I have been held back by listening to things of the body. My pain has stopped me from looking into the distance. Pain is debilitating, distracting and destroys days making you feel desperate. Yet through all the negativity I have held onto my faith for dear life. Yes sometimes that’s meant my dog Faith instead of anything born of the spirit!

No one can turn around and tell me there is no God, that Jesus is just a man that (just) walked the earth! Jesus was born of God, lived as God and died. He then rose again that we as sinners would be born again and never experience what He’ll has to offer. Because we have been saved by his blood, he rose again that we may know a fullness of life. I can’t tell you how free I feel since my nerve pain left. It really was a “pick up your mat and walk” moment.

So celebrate with me, but I also have a question to ask.

“Do you think I should start another blog? Or continue with this one”?

Have a blessed day
